Thursday, November 19, 2009

camera and the models

hello ppl :)
sory to my followers , for not updating my blog for this whole week.
and for this latest blog, i will not writing as long as i always do.

16 november 09

today, there has only a few people who came to school.
form3- 10percent.
form4-10 percent
congrats to form5 students , i think all of them came to school.
it is because they will going to have a BIG exam for this wednesday
for sure, that is SPM.
goodluck korg :p

but for this morning,
ikha, kakpah & me will spend our valueable time with key in 4sc1's final examination marks.
its takes a such a long time to settle it,
eventhough we "berhempas pulas " and try to do as fast as we can,
but still, it takes 4 hours.

after we done our work,
photography's session takes over.
i took a lot of pictures with my awesome friends & my great teachers.
so , lets the pictures tell you some stories.

bestfriend, always by my side

if we could play the video, let the memories last forever .

seniors, goodbye and goodluck!

ikha's pose.

my pose (train)

rock the wall - nisha

unforgettable, one of my 2009 bestfriend, Alia Amalina

young amirah kakpah. - ushawan yg berjaye

our elegance physics teacher,Pn Azian

our bm teacher, Pn Zanariah

our sivik teacher , Pn Shazana

our beautiful english teacher, Pn Fatinah

our genius addmath teacher, Pn Lee

our funny chemistry teacher, Pn Loh

our nice mathematics teacher, Pn Roshidah

hashok and ikha ,

Mr Govind, our smart and lookin good biology teacher

unforgettable one,
cikgu hakim , my funniest teacher kot.

hopefully, next year i will have the same teachers and classmates because im already get used to them.

lastly, I would to thank to all my friends and my teachers
who made my year become the Memorable year.

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