Monday, November 2, 2009


alhamdulilah,exam dh abes weyy

hari yg ditunggu2 oleh semua org kot.
the last paper was chemistry paper1, which quiet tough too.
over all, everything is hard for me.
like i dont read/study anything, eventhough the books and i was just like a couple
"kemana sy berada, disitu ade buku"

sad to say, i'm not doing well in final,
i dont knw wht will be my result .

btw, kesimpulan tentang exm yg dilalui
-sejarah: ok lah, tp byk buat facts sndr :p
-bm : byk kecuaian dibuat
-bi : ssh dow
-math : i hope i pass this ppr
-addmath: =/ worst ever
-physics: so -so
-chemistry : ape ek? alaa lupe plak
-bio- sekali lg merepek.
-agama: thks god,alhamdullilah

so the conclusion,
evrythng is over, no more nightmare :D

huhu but soon..
dont forget the result :/

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